I've been very bad at keeping my blog up to date but I've been busy illustrating. Autumn is on the doorstep, if not today it will be tomorrow. With work and trying to keep your head above water you can sometimes you lose track of the things you'd like to accomplish. I figured this was as good a time as any to write down a few jobs I should aim towards. A lot of work just comes your way but sometimes you have to go out in this business and get the jobs you want. In no particular order, here are a few that have been on my mind.
1. The Atlantic Monthly - A very fine magazine that I just haven't been in yet.
2. Mad Magazine - Mad is always nice enough to take a look at my work but they have some fine fine illustrators at their disposal. I'm a huge fan, my first introduction to comic books was my Dad's 1960s Mad Magazines. Unbelievable covers then, and now.
3. The Tim Horton's winter coffee cup - I've been called to quote for this job twice now and for one reason or another it didn't work out. If the art director on this project is out there I'm looking for you.
4. Rolling Stone Magazine - No explanation necessary.
5. The New Yorker cover- A couple years ago I was working on sketches for a cover that I never had the time to finish. Then one day I saw the exact same idea on the cover by another illustrator. You snooze you loose. I submitted my first cover submission last year and the fine folks there were nice enough to send me a rejection letter. I hope that doesn't sound sarcastic, I really didn't expect they would respond.
I'm going to leave it at that for now. There are tons of projects I'd love to work on but this is a start, I'll do this again soon. Nothing like setting the bar nice and high.